The Key to Creating the Best Shopfront and Signage

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Your shopfront is the ‘face’ of your business, and can be a powerful tool – far more effective than media advertising. A well-designed frontage draws customers directly from the street into your business.

However, the key aspects to creating the best shopfront and signage are more than simply being the biggest, loudest and most colourful. Sure, this may attract attention, but standing out like a sore-thumb may not be the ideal first-impression for your business.

SignageThe Key to Creating the Best Shopfront and Signage

Modern signage is designed to convey much more than the type of business. Through careful design, your signage should also give the prospective customer a ‘feel’ for what you represent; the dream or lifestyle you’re selling.

Signage should be uncluttered and direct; phone numbers and slogans can usually be placed elsewhere. Avoid conflicting colours, and the urge to use too many – between 2 to 4 colours are usually enough for most designs.

When possible, attempt to have your signage slightly above eye-level, without obstructing the shopfront.


While your signage tells the customer about your business, your shopfront – in the eyes of the customer – is your business. The key to creating a good shopfront is finding a balance between an uncluttered display, and showcasing a selection of your products for best effect.

Remember to take into account your branding – usually your signage and various other branded displays will be visible as part of the shopfront, so take care to ensure that your shopfront arrangement does not conflict with your brand’s colours or design.

Other Considerations

Some ideas may look good on paper, but not work within the context of your location, or may not be permitted by local laws or guidelines. For example, a sign that hangs out into the street is a great way to increase the distance from which your business is visible, but these may be subject to restrictions in your area.

Always check with your local planning office before implementing your designs, or speak to one of our experienced shopfitting team members about creating the perfect shopfront for your business and making the process easy!

Rubach Shopfitting, your professional Gold Coast shopfitting team .